Diabetes Awareness Week 10-16 June
Diabetes Awareness Week is the annual UK-wide event ran by Diabetes UK to raise awareness of diabetes and encourage individuals to be open and talk about their experience with it.
To find support, share experiences or how you can get involved, click here.

Carbs & Cals App
The Carbs & Cals app is the only diabetes, diet and weight loss app to feature food and drink photos. It’s designed to help you track your diet and manage your nutritional needs with confidence, and ideal for anyone who is managing type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes.
With a database of over 5,000 photos, the app gives you at-a-glance carbohydrate, calorie, protein, fat and fibre values for all your favourite foods in a uniquely visual way.
To find out more, click here.

DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) programme is designed to increase your knowledge of type 2 diabetes and help you to develop the skills to effectively self-manage your condition.
DESMOND is free to access and the service is available across Nottinghamshire County.
To find out more or self-refer to the programme, click here.

Diabetes Support Group
The group meet once a month on the 4th Wednesday, 10:30am - 12:30pm At West Park Sports Pavilion, West Park, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford NG2 7JE
New Group: Diabetes Support Group - East Leake
The group will plan to meet once a month on the 2nd Monday 10:30am – 12noon. The East Leake Parish Office,45 Main St, East Leake, Loughborough LE12 6PF
For more information on support groups contact: John Burnet John_Burnett64@hotmail.co.uk
Click here to view the 'June Diabetes Newsletter'

he NHS is delivering a low calorie treatment for people in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire living with Type 2 diabetes who are above a healthy weight. Delivered by Momenta, it’s based on the DiRECT study which showed this approach can help people lose weight, improve their diabetes control, reduce diabetes-related medication and even achieve remission.
To find out more or self-refer to the programme, visit Nottingham & Nottinghamshire: NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission - Momenta Newcastle

Healthy Living with Type 2 Diabetes
Healthy Living is a free online service designed to provide advice and information to people living with type 2 diabetes, to help them better manage their condition.
The programme is user-led and offers an alternative means of accessing support to the more traditional, group-based structured education programmes.
Healthy Living provides information about type 2 diabetes and its treatments, offers advice on emotional wellbeing, and helps with adopting and maintaining healthy behaviours.
You can self-refer and register here.
Find this information in a variety of different languages here.