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I need help for myself

Looking for wellbeing support for yourself?

Taking care of yourself is important 

Find out more

People to talk to

Seeking help isn't always easy, especially when you're not feeling well. It can take time and may not be straightforward. But it's important to remember that you're not alone, and that you deserve support.

Initial Actions

If you are struggling with poor wellbeing, then that’s ok. It can happen to anyone at any time however resilient you think you may be. You are not alone:

  • 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England 

  • 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week in England 

There are a number of resources that can provide help and guidance. Check out the wellbeing guide on this hub for resources. A Google search will show organisations such as Mind where you can get really good advice

We would encourage you to try telling someone how you feel. This could be a friend, family member or colleague. You can also access the employee assistance program who will be able to help as well as charities such as Samaritans. Your GP will also be able to help.

If you sprained your ankle or had a headache you would take some steps to look after yourself such as aspirin or a cold compress. Poor wellbeing is no different and you should also take some steps. Your GP and colleagues would be concerned and wish to support you the same as any other medical condition.

Ongoing Support

Your manager will be able to help you with an ongoing support plan at work. Think about what you need to stay well and make a plan for yourself. Have some wellbeing goals and try and stick with them

If you continue to struggle with poor wellbeing, then having a plan can help.

Once a plan is established it is important you continue to review the situation and adapt the plan as required.

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