Exercise Health Directory
Social prescribers in Rushcliffe have put together directories for many health and well-being issues.
Find inside tips and information about services offering support in Rushcliffe and Nottingham.
Click here to view the health directories and find 'Exercise'.

Physical Health Benefits
"If I could offer you a pill with no side effects but incredible health benefits, we'd all be eager to take it daily.
The advantages of exercise, even something as simple as walking, are immense. I wholeheartedly encourage you to incorporate more walking into your daily routine - it not only boosts your health but also helps the environment.
Why not consider walking to work, or if it's too far, perhaps walk the final mile to your workplace?"
– Dr Matthew Jelpke, St George’s Medical Practice

Walking Groups
Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.
There are lots of Green Spaces open to the public within Rushcliffe and walking groups are a great way to get outside, make new friends and offer a variety of walks for all abilities.
Whether you used to enjoy walking but have lost your fitness or want to get started to improve your wellness, we’re all in it together!
The Rushcliffe Ramblers are a friendly bunch so you’ll get the warmest of welcomes.

Exercise for Health GP Referral Scheme
The Exercise for Health GP referral scheme provides a safe, supervised and enjoyable introduction to physical activity within a controlled environment.
The scheme gives people who are not regularly active or who have health problems the opportunity to improve their health and well-being, regardless of age, ability or experience and is available at all leisure centres across Rushcliffe.
To find out if you're eligible, contact your GP or healthcare professional.
For more information, click here.

Rushcliffe Big Green Book
Physical activity has a huge potential to enhance our wellbeing and participation in regular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety.
The Rushcliffe Big Green Book has been developed as part of the GreenSpace Green Social Prescribing Project and it is a directory of nature-based activities and opportunities around Rushcliffe. Green Social Prescribing is the practice of supporting people in engaging in nature-based interventions and activities such as walking and cycling to improve their mental health.
To view the Rushcliffe Big Green Book, visit here.
To find out more information on green social prescribing, speak to your social prescriber or visit here.

Active 10 App
The Active 10 app records every minute of walking you do (anonymously). Just pop your phone in your pocket and away you go!
The app:
Tracks your steps
Helps you set goals
Shows you your achievements
Gives you tips to boost your activity
Did you know walking briskly, even for 1 minute, counts as exercise? What are you waiting for - take your first steps today!
Download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store today.

Couch to 5k App
A running programme for absolute beginners. Couch to 5K has now helped more than 4 million people start running.
The app:
Has a choice of 5 trainers to motivate you
Works with your music player
Tracks your runs
Connects you with other Couch to 5K runners
Couch to 5K can be completed in as little as 9 weeks, or longer if you want to go at your own pace.
To download this free NHS app, simply search ‘Couch to 5k’ in the App Store or Google Play Store to get started!
To find out more click here.