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The Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Service has lots of free resources you can access.
Explore the world of wellbeing with the new Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Community Hub. Stay informed on the latest wellbeing events we have on offer, wellness tips, and expert advice. Join us on our journey to promote a healthier lifestyle for all. at New Social Prescribing Hub.
Click here to see what is available
Friendship Calendars

Dementia Friendly Social Events
A four week calendar overview of social events supporting people living with memory loss and dementia.
Click here to explore the calendar.
Health and Well-being Directories
And many more!
Over 40 Health and Well-being directories have been created by the Social Prescribers.
These are full of local organisations, carers information and self-help resources for the specific condition.
Click here to explore the library.
Rushcliffe Community Resources
Social Prescribers have compiled community directories for North, Central and South Rushcliffe.
These directories encompass a wide range of offerings in the area, including local walking groups, 'knit and knatter' gatherings, creative pastimes and much more!
Click the icons above to discover the directories, or click here to work out which part of Rushcliffe you're in.
The Rushcliffe Big Green Book
Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Facebook Page
Rushcliffe Social Prescribing Instagram Page
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