Weight Management Directory
Social prescribers in Rushcliffe have put together directories for many health and well-being issues.
Find inside tips and information about services offering support in Rushcliffe and Nottingham.
Click here to view the health directories and find 'Weight Management'.
Click here to view our February Newsletter focusing on Obesity.

NHS Food Scanner App
Use the NHS Food Scanner app to bring your favourite food labels to life.
A quick scan of the barcode on the product's packaging using your phone's camera will show you:
If it's a 'good choice'
Traffic light ratings: whether the product is high, medium or low in sugar, salt and fat
Living labels! Bring the sugar, salt and fat in a product to life to help understand more about what you're eating.
All your previous scans - see the full list of every product you've ever scanned!
Download the free app and start finding healthier swaps today!

Weight Loss Services Rushcliffe
Your Health Notts offer targeted, specialist, weight management services different from traditional weight loss programmes.
They’re experts in helping adults and families lose weight and lead healthier lives. The programmes encourage lifelong changes to eating habits, help people overcome barriers to weight loss, make sensible food choices and become more active.
To find out more click here.