prescripción social
Los prescriptores sociales son uno de los new Funciones adicionalesel NHS está implementando: en Rushcliffe ayudan a brindar apoyo a quienes lo necesitan

prescripción social
Discover tips, links to websites offering help, and information about services offering support for bladder and bowel problems.
NHS Screening information
There are more than 200 different types of cancer, and each is diagnosed and treated it a particular way.
Did you know that one out of every two people could develop cancer in their lifetime? In the UK, the most common types are:
Breast Cancer
Lung Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Bowel Cancer
Spotting signs of Cancer
Changes in your body's usual functions or unexpected symptoms can sometimes indicate the early stages of cancer.
However, it's essential to remember that often these symptoms are unrelated to cancer and may stem from other health issues.

A sudden lump appearing on your body
Symptoms that need to be checked by a doctor include
Unexplained bleeding

Changes in your bowel habits

Reducing your risk of Cancer
Implementing a few easy lifestyle adjustments can significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer