Prescription sociale
Les prescripteurs sociaux font partie des new Rôles supplémentairesle NHS met en œuvre - à travers Rushcliffe, ils aident à fournir un soutien à ceux qui en ont besoin

The Carers Directory has various resources including:
o General advice and support services
o Peer support groups
o Information about accessing time out/respite
The Dementia directory has various resources including:
o Getting out and about in the Community (eg Memory Cafes, singing groups, exercise)
o Activities to take part in at home
o Dementia Friendly Care Agencies
o Information about accessing time out/respite
o Day care options
o Research opportunities
o General advice eg benefits and equipment via Adult Social Care (Notts County Council 0300 500 8080)
Nottinghamshire Carers Hub
Provides free, confidential and personalised information and support for unpaid carers.
Contact: 080 8802 1777
Carers Champions
Every GP Surgery should have a Carers Register and a Carers Champion.
A Carers Register is a list of Patients who are providing unpaid care to someone with a long – term health condition.
You can speak to the Receptionist or Practice Manager to request a registration form.
A Carers Champion is a voluntary role, their role is to help:
Promote the importance of GP Carer registration for Young and Adult Carers
Listen to Carers needs and signpost them to local organisations for support with Memory Loss / Dementia
Hidden Disabilities
Look out for the Sunflower lanyard- an indication that someone has a hidden disability. Perhaps offer support or more time and be extra kind!
Forget Me Notts
Free Sporting Activities and Social Interaction sessions for those living with dementia and their carers.
Email: fmn@trentbridge.co.uk
Contact: 0115 982 3000