November Population Health Management Newsletter
We create a newsletter for each month putting all of the resources onto one page. You can download this, use it or share it to whoever you feel could benefit from it!
Click here to see the November 'Frailty Awareness and Prevention' newsletter

Improving Strength and Balance
Falls can have very serious consequences as we age and in older adults it is usually related to combination of factors.
While it’s not possible to completely prevent a fall, exercises that focus on strength and balance including sitting and flexibility exercises can reduce the risk of falling.
If you haven’t exercised for a while, don’t worry, exercises are gentle and easy to follow.
Build up slowly and aim to complete two of the above series of exercises twice a week.

Exercise for Health Referral Scheme
Are you sedentary and would like to be more active? Or do you have a medical condition that would benefit from an increased level of physical activity?
With the Exercise for Health referral programme, you may be eligible for a reduced rate at your local Rushcliffe leisure centre giving you the opportunity to participate in regular physical activity under the guidance of qualified exercise professionals.
To find out if you are eligible, contact your GP or healthcare professional.
For more information, click here.

Your Health Notts
Your Health Notts health offer a FREE 12 week Falls Prevention Programme covering strength and balance exercises, catered for all abilities with a fully qualified specialist instructor.
To sign up today, click here.

Falls Prevention Information
Saga Healthcare produced the Get Up & Go: A Guide to Staying Steady for those who are less mobile, older and/or at risk of a fall.
It includes information about:
How to reduce your risk of falls
How to fall-proof your home
How to stay safe out and about
How to keep moving and exercises for strength and balance to follow
How to get up from a fall safely and what to do if you can’t get up
You can find the electronic version here.