Weight Management Directory
Social prescribers in Rushcliffe have put together directories for many health and well-being issues.
Find inside tips and information about services offering support in Rushcliffe and Nottingham.
Click here to view the health directories and find 'Weight Management'.

NHS Weight Loss Plan App
The free NHS Weight Loss Plan to help you start healthier eating habits, be more active, and start losing weight.
The plan is broken down into 12 weeks so you can:
Set weight loss goals
Use the BMI calculator to customise your plan
Plan your meals
Make healthier food choices
Get more active and burn more calories
Record your activity and progress

Heart Age Test
Your heart age gives you an idea of how healthy your heart is.
This calculator will compare your real age to your heart age by asking you questions about your health. You'll also find out how to improve your heart age by making some healthy lifestyle changes.
It should take less than 10 minutes to get your heart age result.
To calculate your heart age, click here.

Exercise for Health GP Referral Scheme
The Exercise for Health GP referral scheme provides a safe, supervised and enjoyable introduction to physical activity within a controlled environment.
The scheme gives people who are not regularly active or who have health problems the opportunity to improve their health and well-being, regardless of age, ability or experience and is available at all leisure centres across Rushcliffe.
To find out if you're eligible, contact your GP or healthcare professional.
For more information, click here.

Weight Loss Services Rushcliffe
Your Health Notts offer targeted, specialist, weight management services different from traditional weight loss programmes.
They’re experts in helping adults and families lose weight and lead healthier lives. The programmes encourage lifelong changes to eating habits, help people overcome barriers to weight loss, make sensible food choices and become more active.
To find out more click here.