A directory of nature-based activities and Green Spaces in Rushcliffe, designed for healthcare workers and individuals.
What is the Rushcliffe Big Green Book?
The Rushcliffe Big Green Book has been developed as part of the GreenSpace Green Social Prescribing Project and it is a directory of nature-based activities and opportunities around Rushcliffe.
Who is the Rushcliffe Big Green Book for?
It is designed to be used by social prescribers and healthcare workers who want to find activities for their patients, as well as individuals who are looking for an activity to get involved in.
How is the Rushcliffe Big Green Book organised?
The information is split into North, Central and South Rushcliffe to help people choose an activity that is local and easily accessible to them.
The book outlines the facilities available, and details of the level of mental health need that each group is able to support to ensure people are able to access activities that are suitable for their needs.
We welcome any feedback you may have on the Rushcliffe Big Green Book. If you're interested in collaborating or feel anything missing or inaccurate, we'd love your input for future editions of the Rushcliffe Big Green Book. Let's work together to showcase even more of our wonderful outdoor spaces and activities across Rushcliffe. Get in touch to contribute at rushcliffebiggreenbook@gmail.com
If you are interested in working together or sponsoring the book please contact us at: rushcliffebiggreenbook@gmail.com
Submit into the Rushcliffe Big Green Book
If you run or are involved in a nature based activity in Rushcliffe that you feel would fit into the Rushcliffe Big Green Book, you can submit a request here.
We hope you will find the information in The Rushcliffe Big Green Book useful and that you will discover some wonderful new opportunities to get out and about amongst nature to improve your own mental and physical health and to support others in doing so too.
A special thanks to Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service (NCVS) who are leading the GreenSpace programme and for all their hard work on the Rushcliffe Big Green Book. And to Carefound Home Care for their sponsorship.