Alcohol Support Health Directory
Social prescribers in Rushcliffe have put together directories for many health and well-being issues.
Find inside tips and information about services offering support in Rushcliffe and Nottingham.
Click here to view the 'December Alcohol Reduction Newsletter'

Drinkaware App
Ready to change your drinking habits? You can do it with the free MyDrinkaware app.
The app can help you take the first step towards changing your drinking habits. By tracking units, calories and sleep quality, side-by-side,
MyDrinkaware can guide you towards a brighter mood and healthier lifestyle.
Download on the App Store or Google Play Store today.

Your Health Notts
Your Health Notts provide FREE guidance on safer alcohol drinking across all of their lifestyle services.
Where alcohol is identified as the main priority, their experienced staff and volunteers support clients to reduce their drinking to a healthier level or to reach and maintain abstinence through one to one and peer support, group work alongside digital support.
Find out more here.

Alcohol Quiz
Many people don’t always know how much alcohol they drink and whether their drinking could have any impact on their health.
If you want to find out more about your drinking check out how healthy your drinking is with this quick quiz.

Change, Grow, Live
Change Grow Live offer an all-age service to everyone living in Nottinghamshire who is experiencing problems with alcohol.
Their service includes support for individuals as well as children and family members impacted by someone else’s substance misuse.
This is a free and confidential advice and support service.
Find out more here.